Cleaning up for Mandela Day 2015

Posted on August 5, 2015 by Rhian in News For Mandela Day 2015, the people of Agincourt decided to honour our former president by collecting and disposing of rubbish and litter in and around the Agincourt area. A photo competition was also held, where those out and about on 18th

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Agincourt fact sheets 2014

Posted on July 31, 2015 by Rhian in News Residents of the Merry Pebble Stream village listen as data collected about them is explained by Agincourt workers. You can find the latest fact sheets (compiled from census and study research done during 2014) at the bottom of this page for 27 of

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Study results from Agincourt discussed on 702

Posted on July 29, 2015 by Rhian in News   Research studies conducted at the MRC/Wits Agincourt Unit are relevant to the rest of South Africa as well, as was evidenced last week when senior Agincourt scientist Prof. Kathleen Kahn was interviewed on 702 Talk Radio. Kahn was interviewed by

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Roger Glass comes to Agincourt

Posted on July 28, 2015 by Rhian in News   Roger Glass, the Director of The Fogarty International Centre, photographed during his visit in Agincourt. Following a visit to Agincourt by Director of The Fogarty International Centre at the NIH, Prof Roger Glass who is very interested in the work

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HPTN068 Swa Koteka press release

Posted on July 21, 2015 by Rhian in News MEDIA RELEASE FROM WITS UNIVERSITY DATE: WEDNESDAY, 22 JULY 2015 CASH TRANSFERS CONDITIONAL ON SCHOOLING DOES NOT PREVENT HIV INFECTION AMONG YOUNG SOUTH AFRICAN WOMEN A new study has found that giving cash transfers to high school girls to attend school

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Warwick PhD student wins competition for thesis

Posted on July 14, 2015 by Rhian in News Jocelyn Watkins, a Warwick Medical School PhD student, has won her university’s first Three Minute Thesis competition for Best Oral Presentation in Health Sciences. Her winning presentation (see above) was focused on how modern technology can be used to improve primary

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A fond farewell to Mama Vi

Posted on July 14, 2015 by Rhian in News Agincourt Unit for over 20 years, our Finance Clerk, Violet Chela, has decided to retire in order to spend time with her family and on other projects. Affectionately know to all as ‘Mama Vi’, Chela first came to work for Agincourt

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OP-ED: Keep teens away from bars to prevent HIV

Posted on June 2, 2015 by Rhian in News by Dr. Molly Rosenberg The Champions for the AIDS-Free Generation, a union of former presidents and other African leaders determined to help create an HIV/AIDS-free generation, met recently in Johannesburg and redoubled their commitment to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

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Wits – proud to be a part of the H3Africa Consortium

Posted on May 22, 2015 by Rhian in News   The AWI-Gen Group at the H3 Africa workshop Rhian Twine, Zané Lombard, Audrey Khosa, Michèle Ramsay, Venesa Pillay, Ernest Tambo and Scott Hazelhurst (absent from the photograph Pedro Pisa) A Wits delegation from AWI-Gen (Africa, Wits-INDEPTH Partnership for GENomic studies)

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The Nkateko Study protocol paper

HOT OFF THE PRESS Posted on December 11, 2014 by Rhian in News Just published in the Trials journal – “The Nkateko health service trial to improve hypertension management in rural South Africa: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial” by Margaret Thorogood, Jane Goudge, Melanie Bertram, Tobias Chirwa, Sandra

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